Thursday, April 21, 2011

(R) Resucitó/He Is Risen

What are the odds that R would fall on Holy Thursday ??

As you may know, or recently learned from my postings, I am part of a Church Choir. I've been a member of this choir for 4 years. Before this, I didn't know a Catholic Hymn from a pop song, however, I've learned the difference now!

People often think of church music (especially Catholic Church music) as boring and drawn out, however, there are some very awesome songs. Most of them are not in English, go figure. The one I will be talking about today is ONLY sung at Lent during the Easter Vigil (Saturday night) and Easter Sunday.

One of the songs I learned is called Resucitó/He Is Risen. It is usually sung in Spanish. It is a beautiful song, I wish I had a video of my choir singing it, but I don't. However, here is another choir doing it justice.

Resucitó, resucitó, resucitó, aleluya. Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya, resucitó. Final: Aleluya (hold).

La muerte ¿dónde está la muerte?
¿Dónde está mi muerte?
¿Dónde su victoria?

Gracias sean dadas al Padre
que nos pasó a su reino
donde se vive de amor.

Alegría, alegría hermanos,
que si hoy nos queremos
es que resucitó.

Si con Él morimos,
con Él vivimos, con Él cantamos.

Verses in English - not pure translation
And death now, vanished is the fear now,
banished are my tears now,
death has passed away.

The kingdom, praise to God, the kingdom!
Raised up to the kingdom,
we shall live in love.

Our gladness, blessful in our gladness,
this will be our gladness,
that he is alive.

With him then, die and live with him then,
rise and sing our hymn then,
sing alleluia.


Jenny said...

I'm not Catholic, but I enjoyed hearing the song. It was much livelier than I expected!

I'm here via A to Z. You have a fun blog!

Jo Schaffer said...

Cool song! (=

I'm in my church choir too and some of the songs are so dynamic and fun to sing.

And some of the most moving and beautiful songs I've ever heard were religious. When I lived in London as a student I would attend the Evensong at St. Paul's cathedral-- I was blown away by the boy and men's choirs-- soaring, goose bumpy songs!

Arlee Bird said...

This was very different--not at all what I was expecting. I listen to a lot of contemporary Christian music, which often is just like listening to the songs you might hear on pop or rock radio except with better lyrics in many cases.

Tossing It Out

Sylvia Ney said...

Great choice for your "R" post. I'm so glad I found your blog! I'm stopping by from the A to Z challenge and I look forward to reading more from you.