I'm currently temping as an Executive Assistant at a very prestigious Investment Bank in New York City. The people that I work for make the big bucks. They went to prestigious schools that costs thousands of dollars.
I'm in the cafeteria, and this well dressed African-American man, about my age or a little older, is on his Blackberry. He turns to me (not the Chinese guy in front of me) and asks, "How do you spell dinosaur?" I looked at him and asked him to repeat, because obviously I misheard. "How do you spell dinosaur? My blackberry doesn't have a spell check."
OK, you make a six-figure salary. Probably live in a cushy apartment in Manhattan, have an MBA from God knows where and you don't know how to spell dinosaur? Really? And I'm unemployed?
Now don't get me wrong, I can't spell for all the cheese in Wisconsin, but I'm not making over $100K either, I'm not handling other people's money.
I spelled it for him. H

Dinosaur is phonetic....REALLY?
Oy Vey! And I can't get a job easily because I don't have a college degree.
You know what I wanted to say to him?
As I type this, I'm watching The Deer Hunter again. I haven't seen it in a few years

In watching this again, I can now see how the Characters OV changes to the NV. Especially Walken, who started out the most tolerant man in the group.
Too funny! You have a point there. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?!
I've only ever seen bits and pieces of The Deer Hunter. I really need to watch the entire movie some time.
Hahahahaha that dinosaur story was hilarious!!!!!
I absolutely love "The Deer Hunter"! It is one of my alltime favorite movies! It is so sad, I just cry my eyes out every time I see it! Very very good actors, very good story line.
I've never seen The Deer Hunter... Sounds like I should. I correct my boss' spelling/grammar mistakes all the time. So frustrating!
i watched the Deer Hunter eons ago (lol). can't say i actually enjoyed it (gave me the sniffles) but i loved the music. :)
thanks for visiting my a-z post. returning back the love. :)
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