I don't use the term resolution, I prefer Goal!!
BLOG: Blog more. Book reviews. Movie Reviews. Interesting Photos, you name it. I'm going to try to blog at least once a week. I'm not going to use school as an excuse.
READ: The goal is 65 or more. 1/3 of them TBR books. More larger books (500+) pages.
MONEY: Start seriously saving for my retirement. I have pensions and IRA's, but I want to save even more on my own.
SCHOOL: Keep my GPA over 4.0, and earn another honors award. I plan to get my degree by January 2016, so this is my last school year. I won't walk until May 2016, but that's just a bonus.
LIFE: Work harder on my writing. I have to get my sample ready for my MFA sample.
MONEY: Put extra money to the side for graduate school.
HEALTH: Get back to eating healthy and living a more healthy lifestyle. Try to get down to the high end of my normal weight range.
Looking back on 2014, A lot of great things happened to me and my family.
HEALTH: I lost 20 lbs. by changing my dietary habits, and managed to keep it off during the holidays. Because of this, I received a thumbs up from the doctor as my metabolic syndrome disappeared.
SCHOOL: I received an honors award for having a high GPA. I've maintained my status as a straight A student.
FAMILY: I took 2 mini vacations. One of them was to see my former sister-in-law get married.
FAMILY: I got back in touch with my favorite Aunt and have visited her on occasion. We have been plugging away (with our cousins) on our Genealogy and have uncovered a lot of interesting information.
LIFE: I finally got to see my two favorite Metaphysical guru's in person (Wayne Dyer & Doreen Virtue) live. And learned it was Doreen's last live appearance on the East Coast. And I discovered a few more Life Altering gurus.
HEALTH: I discovered that my constant foot pain was due to my diet and the inflammatory foods I had been eating. Once I stopped eating them, my foot pain decreased and I was able to avoid surgery and walk more.