Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, don't eat too much.

We are watching the Parade, and later we are going to watch 'Hanna' later.
I will enjoy today, I have to work tomorrow. But it will be empty there, so I plan to do my work and go home. No Black Friday shopping for me. I don't do that anyway.
I've been watching some Christmas movies. Some I like and some I don't.
Last night I watched "Silver Bells" and it was just OK.
I have 2 recorded to be watched later - "Dear Santa" and "Comfort and Joy" Have you seen either of those?
Oh! and hmmm there was one I watched the other day... Oh yeah "The Road to Christmas" that was pretty good.
I saw Comfort and Joy years ago, that was OK. I saw Dear Santa the other day. Bad acting!!! LOL! Oh well, it is always a risk with the Christmas movies.
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