Monday, January 21, 2013

A Winter's Respite Read-A-Thon


Finished Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini
Finished Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok

I would have liked to get more reading in, but alas, time does run out.

This is my Read-A-Thon post.  It will be updated as the week goes on.

My plan was to read a bunch of Oscar Wilde things for this, but I've already started reading some of them.  I couldn't wait.

However, I still have so much other things I need to read and catch up on.

What I want to finish
Ellis Island by Kate Kerrigan
1/21/13 - Starting at 9%
1/22/13 - 25%
1/24/13 - 34%
1/26/13 - 40%

Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini
1/21/13 - Starting at page 106
1/22/13 - page 172
1/24/13 - page 260
1/26/13 - FINISHED

What I want to make a dent in
Les Miserable - Victor Hugo
1/21/13 - Starting at 10%
1/25/13 - 11%

Smaller works I hope to get through
Various Oscar Wilde novella's (will add as I finish)

Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok (audio)  1/25/13 - FINISHED


Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I'm also trying to catch up/make a dent in Les Mis, but I'm so tired! I hope you get to read all that you set out to, Liz. Thanks for joining me for the read-a-thon!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Oops, forgot to remind you to enter your link at the starting line post here: