Monday, June 20, 2011

Catch up

Originally uploaded by kelsokraft

I have not abandoned my blog, really I haven’t. It is just I am working on a long term temp job and my hours are 7:30 – 5:00, and when I get home, I don’t want to think, let alone type something meaningful. I also cannot sit at my desk and surf around like I used to because I am on the trading floor in the middle of the hall, and I sit next to the Business Manager. Wouldn’t look too good posting a blog post when I should be working, therefore, I am doing this through FLICKR, which is quicker and less obvious.

I went to a craft festival this weekend. It was at Lincoln Center in New York City, we had a nice day for it, and looked at a lot of different craft booths. I posted about it some in my fiber blog, but they had crafts from fiber to glass. There are a lot of people that do loom work. They make the material and then make clothing. It was lovely. I would love to learn how to do loom work, but I don’t have the room or money for a loom right now. Maybe I’ll invest in a small one and make scarves.

This weekend I watched “The Rite” with Sir Anthony Hopkins. I wanted to see this in the theater, but never made it there. I’m glad I missed it now. I thought it would be interesting, but it ended up being the same old thing. The Exorcist was better. I don’t know why I think any possession movies that come out of Hollywood now-a-days will live up to that standard. Who would think one of the better eras for cinema was the 1970s??

This Sunday was the season finale of “Game of Thrones”. It was a very good start to the series. Having just read the book, I can say they did a good job at adapting it. It is a rather large book, and I know it is impossible to fit everything in, but they managed to touch on the most important points that one needed to now to follow the story and set it up for the future seasons. The cliff hanger of Book #1 is amazing; I will have to read Book #2 shortly. I wanted to wait until Season #2 got closer, but I just need to know!!

I read Pride and Prejudice…finally. Not much to say about it. It is P&P after all.

Choir is ending for the summer.
In July I am taking my Beginner Blues class. I have finished all the Basic Beginner courses. Five courses in a little over one year. Now I can take electives, and I am excited. Blues is my first choice; there are three Blues classes (Beg, Int and Adv). I hope to be able to take all of them.

I also had a birthday last week. My friends from the old job took me out. We went to a nice Mexican restaurant called Dos Caminos. The food was good, I partook in some Sangria and the girls sang Happy Birthday to me. My co-worker at this job is planning to take me out to a French Restaurant for my birthday. It was supposed to happen last week, but schedules didn’t allow. Maybe this week.

1 comment:

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I figured you must be busy! It's great that you have a regular job right now though. I'm looking hard myself, but I really need a work from home job so it's even harder.

The Rite was kind of boring and SO long! Did it really need to be that long?

Game of Thrones...what can I say? Excellent! I'm finding myself yearning to start the new book too, but I need to wait for a little while. I'm so behind on review books!

I entered a flash fiction contest last week and I'm trying to get people to go vote. The kicker is that I can't tell you which one is mine...their rules. If you get a chance, would you mind checking out the stories and voting? They're short (less than 1000 words) and there are only four. Here's the link:
Last day to vote is June 30. Whether mine wins or loses, I will post it on my writing blog when the contest ends.

Thanks Liz! Hope you have a great week. =O)