Originally uploaded by kelsokraft
These past few weeks have been seriously busy at work. But I am trying to post more often. Especially since it is nearing October, which for me is Horror Movie Month.
I have a few movies I am ordering from Netflix, however, most of my stuff will be from my DVR which has a whole lot of horror movies just waiting to be watched. I thought I’d be able to plow through them, but with the fall TV line up, it might prove difficult. I’m starting this weekend.
I wanted to also start my Horror Books this weekend as well, but “Mockingjay” by Suzanne Collins is next on my TBR list and it is a library book, so that is first, however, it should take me only about 4 days to read it, then on to the Horror.
Fall Lineup
“House” will be back on Monday, I’m excited. This season looks good.
“Bones” is not coming back until November. It sounds promising as we left Bones preggers.
“The X-Factor” is holding my interest, slightly. It seems almost like Idol, which is fine. The auditions ended last night, so now we see how the competition fairs. A British cyberbuddy told me it is very similar to Idol.
“The New Girl” was cute. I watched it for the first time last week, I have this week’s taped. I’ll give it a few more weeks to see if I will continue with it. I like sit-coms, but they have to be real funny.
“2 Broke Girls” is a funny sit-com, I will watch this one.
“Two and a Half Men” in the era of Ashton will be watched for sure.
“Terra Nova” came on this week for the first time. I thought it was promising. I’m not usually in to those type of futuristic dystopian/utopian films, but it sounded different, and it was by Spielberg, so it automatically gets a chance. I’ll be watching this too. Of course these ALL come on Monday night (Men and Girls and Terra). So I cannot watch “Dixie” another show I wanted to get in to.
“Project Runway” is still running, I’m hoping it will be done by the time “Bones” comes on, because it is really going to use up a lot of DVR space, as X-Factor is on Thursday’s.
So, as you see, there is no time to watch movies during the week. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the only days I can really do my movies.
Christmas time is so much easier. Things go into hiatus.
Also Autumn decorating will start Saturday.