I will not be joining the Read-a-Thon this April, only because I won't be home. I'll be at guitar lessons, and although that is only 1 hour, it is a trip to and from Manhattan, so that takes a total of about 3 1/2 hours. Not to mention that I have to do laundry and shopping in the morning.
I am reading Roses by Leila Meacham. It is a new book, and I only have 2 weeks with it, and that time is almost up...URGH...I think I'll be owing the library some money. However, I am enjoying it. The firs 250 pages was nothing special, however, it picked up speed rather quickly and grabbed me by the throat and has not let me go.
Synopsis from Booklist (via Amazon)
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the small east Texas town of Howbutker is run by two families. The Tolivers preside over the massive cotton plantation of Somerset, while the Warwicks possess acres upon acres of timber. The children of the families, pretty and stubborn Mary Toliver and suave, strong Percy Warwick, are like water and oil. Percy insists that Mary will eventually marry him, and Mary is adamant that she will never have room in her heart for anything but Somerset, yet their undeniable attraction pulls them together. Through a trick of fate, Percy and Mary are forced apart. The consequences of their separation vibrate throughout the years, giving rise to lies, deceit, secrets, and tragedies that their families must suffer through, until, ultimately, they just have to leave it to Percy, Mary, and plain fate to see if they can make things right in the end. First-time novelist Meacham’s sweeping, century-encompassing, multigenerational epic is reminiscent of the film Giant, and as large, romantic, and American a tale as Texas itself. --Hilary Hatton
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I finally watched The Sound of Music this weekend. I have never ever seen it. I tried to watch it once, but grew bored after 5 minutes. I'm glad I forced myself to watch it this time, what a wonderful movie. I'm trying to play catch up with all the movies that I should have watched as a kid, but didn't have any interest.