I had shoulder surgery, so I am home for a month, and I've been trying to read what I have here, but it is odd how when you have so much time, you find other things to fill the time.
Currently reading: The Walk by Richard Paul Evans

This is his latest book that doesn't revolve around Christmas. I understand this will be a 5-part series, this is part 1. This is only the 2nd non-Christmas book that I've read by him, and I am enjoying this.
Since I have not finished I cannot give my opinion on this yet. But here is what Booklist had to say:
“The idea of a man leaving on a soul-searching cross-country trek is an intriguing one, and the pages turn quickly. Future installments will prove whether Evans’ concept holds up, but this initial offering is definitely a journey worth taking.”– Booklist
Starting Sunday, I am going on 'The Master Cleanse'. The minimum time to do this is for 10 days, I hopefully will go for longer. I will be writing a seperate journal about this, mainly to help others who are looking for info on the day to day ins and outs of it. I know reading blogs about it has helped me. Hopefully I won't sound like a crazed mad-woman.